Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Pop Pop and Away.

Monday was the last Femderday (pronounced Fem-Der-Day)/ Romantic Movie Monday. Sigh.. Such fond memories. It all started when Joe and I moved to Portland. I had a job he didn't. When I left for work he was home. When I got home from work.. he was home.. When I had a day off.. he was home.. I think you get the picture. So when he got a job Monday became mine! Manderday or whatever was his.. but my day was better. It started in the winter. Burr Cold.. I would wake up late.. not change out of my pajama's eat popcorn (and nothing else.) and watch movies that Joe would call girly. Hmm it was wonderful. I sometimes made red sauce on monday. It evolved over time.. I would wake up late.. and go shopping.. and eat popcorn with hot sauce. or I would wake up late.. eat popcorn.. and just watch my soaps or 10 reruns of Wil and Grace. perhaps season one of Grey's Anatomy. Eventually monday became soup day. Soup takes a long time and is not best prepared after a long day at work.
But all of that is ended. I went all out this week.. I slept in. I went shopping ( bought a really cute skirt).. I made cookies and popcorn (with soy sauce, hot sauce, and nutritional yeast) for lunch. I watched the best romantic comedy "When Harry Met Sally" .. I watched the last 5 minutes and the first five minutes of two soaps. I made a very yummy Baked potato soup. All in all a very good day. Now Joe and I have the same two days off. Manfemderday? Femmanderday (ohh I like the sound of that.!)

1 comment:

jessica said...

Popcorn is my MOST favorite thing. With parmesan. In France all the popcorn you buy instructs you to put emmental on it while it's hot ... hmmmm