Wednesday, March 26, 2008

To be or not to be.

When I first starting dating Joe I ate meat and he didn’t. I did not have a say in his starting to eat meat again.. contrary to popular belief. I was 3000 miles away on a ferry in Seattle when he caught and ate his famed trout. This was about 3 months into our relationship. It is now about 1 year and a few months later and neither of us eat mammals. We don’t eat chickens or cows or baby cows or lambs, pigs, or things that come from processing them if we can help it. We do eat tuna fish and shrimp and a small variety of other sea creatures. The question that has been hounding me lately is should I go all the way? To me all the way is giving up fish, not bovine nipple drippings (“copyright Joe,”.. some people call them milk) coagulated bovine nipple drippings (cheese) , or unfertilized chicken embryos ( I think you get the idea) . I don’t think I could become a full vegetarian because I love cheese and butter… a lot. Giving up eggs would also be hard. They are an easy breakfast and are the glue that holds my cakes together. I have tried Vegan desserts and they just don’t do it for me. It will be hard to give up the ease of a tuna sandwich for lunch or one of my current favorites, a veggie risotto with a topping of broiled shrimp. I am going to take some more time. Currently it feels almost like I am quitting smoking knowing I have 5 cigarettes left in my pack. In our stock of food and we have 3 or four cans of tuna and more than a half a pound of frozen shrimp. I keep thinking well I don’t want to waste food so I will stop eating fishies after they are gone. Then tuna goes on sale at the store…. Hmmmm

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